Cleanse Your System
All the water in our colonics is filtered twice before use, coffee liver flush, thus enabling the speedy eradication of bacteria and parasites from the large intestine (bowel). We also now include in our range of colonic enhancements through natural herbs to reduce tiredness and increase well-being.
Book a course of 4 colonics for €250 – includes full dietary consultation on first visit.
Lose inches with our fabulous limited offers:
Colonic & Liver Flush: €95
Why Choose Us?
We are one of the oldest and most established clinics in Dublin and our therapists have appeared on national TV several times as well the national newspapers. Our staff are among the most highly qualified in the country.
The equipment we use for our colonics is disposable; each client gets their own pack.
Book This Treatment
If you would like to book a colonic irrigation session, please call us on 01-8569632 or fill in our booking form.
Please Note: All herbs and implants e.g. acidophilus good bacteria used during treatments are free. You may find that other clinics charge for hidden extras such as these – our prices are fully inclusive with no hidden extras.