pregnancy test
First Trimester Pregnancy Health Tips: How To Deal With All Those Symptoms
In the first trimester of pregnancy health tips are always so varied because everyone experiences pregnancy differently, both physically and emotionally. One thing’s is certain, though: just because your bump may not be visible to anyone else, it’s certainly making a noticeable impact on your life even in the earliest stages!!!
Coping With Morning Sickness
Morning sickness is one of the most commonly reported symptoms during a first trimester pregnancy, probably due to the fact that your body is going through many hormonal changes. Morning Sickness can actually last all day, and can be very bad for some women. To help improve things you should drink plenty of water, and cut out fatty foods. It goes without saying that you’ll want to avoid anything that makes you feel sick by simply thinking about it or smelling it! You can also try candied ginger or ginger tablets to help you feel better. If you can’t keep anything down, including liquids, then it’s vital that you consult a doctor.
Sore and Tender Breasts
This is one of the earliest symptoms for first trimester pregnancy , even before missing a period, there can be a feeling of tenderness in the breasts. The breasts are simply preparing to produce milk for your baby, this may be quite uncomfortable for you. Try wearing a more supportive bra to ease the discomfort.
Increased need for Urination
As the uterus starts to press on your bladder you may find that you need to urinate more often. This could be inconvenient, or even make it difficult to sleep through the night as you wake up to urinate during the night. To help prevent this, drink a little less in the evenings, also try to reduce your caffeine intake. Always go when you feel the need, as this will help prevent a urinary tract infection.
Mood Swings
Most women will find their moods and emotions fluctuating when they’re pregnant. This is a combination of factors, from changing hormones to increased thoughts about responsibility and financial pressures to come. If you’re anxious about something in particular, maybe labour, then get informed and always ask questions. If you’re generally feeling low, then try to sleep longer, eating healthier foods, take a walk or simply talk it through with your partner.
Other Symptoms During The First Trimester And Beyond
Pregnancy symptoms aren’t limited to those listed above – far from it! There are many other common symptoms which include heartburn, a sore back, difficulty sleeping and headaches. All woman are different and you may experience very few symptoms, or little-known symptoms such as bleeding gums, carpal tunnel, leg cramps, varicose veins and haemorrhoids (piles). It isn’t easy being pregnant!
Visiting Your Health Care Provider
When you first realise that you’re pregnant, it’s important to visit your Doctor. The Doctor will go through a number of areas with you to help assess your health and to work out whether any current medication could harm the baby. They will also give you some ideas on watching your health, and agree regular appointments with you throughout the pregnancy. You should let them know if you’re concerned about any of your first trimester pregnancy symptoms.